Edge Cloud: Enhancing Sustainability in the Digital Ecosystem

ai generated, cloud computing, mining

While cloud computing and remote work have already made significant strides in promoting sustainability, the advent of Edge Cloud is pushing these efforts even further. Edge Cloud, which refers to the deployment of cloud resources closer to the end users, offers unique advantages that enhance the sustainability of digital infrastructure. Let’s explore how Edge Cloud fits into the picture and contributes to a greener, more efficient digital ecosystem.

European cloud providers mount strong competition against hyperscalers

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In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, European cloud providers are stepping into the ring with a renewed vigor, challenging the dominance of hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Armed with a focus on innovation, data privacy, and regional specialization, these European counterparts are making significant strides, offering businesses a compelling alternative to the giants of the industry.

Quickscan NIS2 richtlijn

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Cyberveiligheid is cruciaal bij de bescherming van de organisatie tegen toenemende cyberdreigingen. De Europese NIS2-richtlijn vraagt van ‘belangrijke’ en ‘essentiële’ organisaties een hogere cyberweerbaarheid. De bepalingen uit deze richtlijn worden nu omgezet in nationale wetgeving. Omdat dit doorgaans niet in een handomdraai te realiseren is, adviseert de overheid om niet af te wachten totdat wetgeving er is, maar alvast voorbereidingen te treffen.

Why Are Companies Moving To An Edge Cloud?

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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses across industries are constantly seeking ways to optimize their operations and harness the power of technology to gain a competitive edge. One significant trend that has gained traction in recent years is the adoption of edge cloud computing.

Good read: How SaaS architecture impacts pricing and profitability

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A poorly designed SaaS architecture creates limitations in setting the pricing strategy for the offerings and impacts new customer acquisition. Conversely, a good architecture sets the appropriate pricing model and accommodates special architecture-design requirements, while enabling scalability and customizability.


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