Exalate Achieves Over 50% Reduction in Cloud Costs Through Partnership with whitesky.cloud

whitesky.cloud partnered with Exalate to help reduce cloud infrastructure costs, leading to a successful reduction of over 50% in Exalate’s cloud platform expenses. Strategic Partnership for Cloud Cost Optimization In early 2023, whitesky.cloud approached Exalate with a proposition to help reduce their cloud infrastructure costs, offering an opportunity to leverage whitesky’s growing Kubernetes-as-a-service capabilities. This partnership […]

Service Is At The Heart of whitesky.cloud

Want to know our secret?

Giving our customers the day-to-day service they expect – as well as delivering a complete technical solution – is a huge part of what we do, but often don’t talk about. But today that’s all changing; let’s grab some thoughts from our Operations Manager, Iain Statham. Being Who We Want To Be As the Operations […]

Innovation – A Requirement For Telcos

Digital transformation is becoming more popular. Some telcos are beginning to see that they need to change the way they interact with customers – and that means new apps and processes need to be developed. They now look for better ways to build products and services to win market share. We spoke to Bart Weijermars, […]

Keep Your Data In Local Clouds

Do you know where your data is right now? If you don’t know where it is then you can’t guarantee what someone is doing with it. Scary stuff. You might not think that where your data is kept matters, but you’d be wrong. You share information about yourself with many different services and there’s more […]

Do You Have Exit Management In Place?

Exit management

Very few people seem to be talking about how important exit management is when it comes to data. Whether you’re a VCO or the end-user, understanding who owns what and what happens when things go wrong is vital. Great exit management protects both parties. Do you own your data or does your cloud provider? That’s […]

Full Control – On-Premises Cloud

On-site cloud makes it possible to have your cloud services and storage kept locally, while whitesky.cloud manages everything behind the scenes. Best of both worlds? For some, it just might be. The cloud gives you the flexibility and scalability you need to deploy whatever you want to in just a few clicks. But, if something’s […]

Hogere winstmarge als Virtual Cloud Operator

Want to drive more profits as a VCO? Here’s how

In de zakenwereld is winst, logischerwijs, de belangrijkste maatstaf om succes te meten. Toch is het verhogen van het winstpercentage iets waar veel bedrijven mee worstelen. Als Virtual Cloud Operator heb je heel wat kansen om je winst te verhogen, we stellen er graag enkele voor.

How You Can Drive Profits as a Virtual Cloud Operator

Want to drive more profits as a VCO? Here’s how

Profit is understandably a primary focus for any business. But understanding how to push toward it in your respective sector is something many companies grapple with. As a Virtual Cloud Operator (VCO) there are some great ways to drive your profit up and we’re going to show you just a few of them. Profit begins […]

Onze cloud? Jouw Lego.

whitesky.cloud makes creating your cloud vision easy.

Herinner je nog hoe leuk het vroeger was om een doos Lego te openen? Het aanzicht van glanzende nieuwe blokjes waarmee je kon bouwen wat je hartje maar begeerde. Een huis in alle kleuren van de regenboog of net monochroom – je kan zelf kiezen wat er het beste bij jou past. Zou dat niet […]

Why the Cloud is Like Lego

whitesky.cloud makes creating your cloud vision easy.

There’s nothing quite as fun as opening a box of Lego and just having the freedom to make whatever you want. If you’re building a house, you can use every color of brick available – it all depends on what’s right for you. The cloud is just the same – you should only have to […]


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