Key usage scenarios for S3 storage

S3 is a massively scalable storage service based on object storage technology. It provides a very high level of durability, with high availability and high performance. Data can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet, through S3 compatible tools and the powerful S3 API.
5 tools to connect with S3 objectstorage

In this blog we introduce a few tools that connect to the S3 objectstorage. The challenge There is always a challenge finding the right tools that connect to your S3 compatible objectstorage. The solution The list of tools in this blog are quickly tested to work with our S3 compatible storage. Note This list […]
How to connect S3 objectspace to Veeam

In this series of ‘how to’ blogs, we take a dive into the more technical aspects of our platform and how to use them. The challenge Backing up Virtual Machines to S3 compatible storage. The solution Veeam Backup & Replication is a solution to backup your VM’s, NAS, physical servers and Enterprise applications. By […]
Feature spotlight: S3 compatible objectspace

In our cloud environment you can easily create S3 object storage. S3 is an object storage service that stores data as objects within buckets.
How to use Comet backup with S3

In this series of ‘how to’ blogs, we take a deep dive into the more technical aspects of our platform and how to use them. The challenge We want to make sure all our data is safe and properly backed up. The solution Using S3 is a safe and relatively cheap way to backup data […]