European cloud providers mount strong competition against hyperscalers

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, European cloud providers are stepping into the ring with a renewed vigor, challenging the dominance of hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Armed with a focus on innovation, data privacy, and regional specialization, these European counterparts are making significant strides, offering businesses a compelling alternative to the giants of the industry.
The sovereign cloud, the only way to comply with legislation

Protection of sensitive data has already been important in Europe but has become more important recently. In many sectors, like banking, insurance and healthcare, it has become a top priority. But also public sectors face organizational challenges to be able to comply with the latest legal regulations when it comes to the use of cloud technology.
Declining Net Revenue Retention (NRR) for Saas companies

SaaS companies overall rely on two main sources of growth and profitability, signing up new customers and upselling to existing customers. It seems this is slowly coming to a halt, like the Ocean Circulation. Endangering SaaS providers and their customers.