Good read: Top 10 Cloud Service Providers Globally in 2023

Cloud computing and the top 10 cloud service providers delivering these services, have brought fundamental changes to the market backdrop of IT infrastructure globally. Public cloud service providers are facilitating the inherent efficiencies of distributed cloud computing, which is enabling innovative software applications and platforms to be built, while simultaneously enhancing information security and privacy controls. As such, it is critical to understand each leading cloud service provider, as well as their varying strategies.
Good read: The on-premises empire strikes back at AWS

Anybody who can read a financial report knows they are paying too much for compute, storage, networking, and software at Amazon Web Services. It is as obvious as the sun at noon. And it is also obvious – and increasingly so – that the retailing and media businesses at Amazon are as addicted to the AWS profits and the free compute capacity it gives to the corporate Amazon parent as IBM has ever been addicted to the high price of its vaunted mainframe platforms.
5 tools to connect with S3 objectstorage

In this blog we introduce a few tools that connect to the S3 objectstorage. The challenge There is always a challenge finding the right tools that connect to your S3 compatible objectstorage. The solution The list of tools in this blog are quickly tested to work with our S3 compatible storage. Note This list […]