Feature spotlight: notifications

Feature description The Notifications system can be used to easily distribute messages to you customers. You can use it to announce planned maintenance, outage and news and updates.
Feature spotlight: create a cloudspace in the VCO portal

In this series of posts, sometimes including video, we put the spotlight on existing and new features.
Feature spotlight: invoicing for the VCO

In this series of “feature spotlight” video’s we put the spotlight on existing and new features. Feature description Invoicing is an important part of the business of a VCO. In the VCO portal you have the option to generate invoices based on spendings.
Feature spotlight: S3 compatible objectspace

In our cloud environment you can easily create S3 object storage. S3 is an object storage service that stores data as objects within buckets.
Feature spotlight: API visualisation

Because our platform has a very powerful API, we have integrated a visualisation (API inspection tools) into our portal so you can see how our API works.
Feature spotlight: automatic hourly snapshots

We now support automatic hourly snapshots for the disks of your VM’s.