Good read: Heidelberg has the largest 3D printed data center

The city of Heidelberg, PERI 3D Construction and KRAUSGRUPPE has inaugurated The Wave House – a data center in Heidelberg and the largest 3D printed building in Europe so far, marking a significant advancement in the construction industry.
Good read: Alternative clouds are booming as companies seek cheaper access to GPUs

The appetite for alternative clouds has never been bigger. Case in point: CoreWeave, the GPU infrastructure provider that began life as a cryptocurrency mining operation, this week raised $1.1 billion in new funding from investors, including Coatue, Fidelity and Altimeter Capital. The round brings its valuation to $19 billion post-money and its total raised to $5 billion in debt and equity — a remarkable figure for a company that’s less than 10 years old.
Good read: Europese cio-verenigingen luiden noodklok over gedrag Broadcom.

Daar lusten de honden geen “broad” van. Vier Europese belangenverenigingen van cio’s, waaronder het CIO Platform Nederland, uiten in een open brief aan de Europese Commissie hun zorgen over het gedrag van Broadcom na de overname van VMware. Volgens de organisaties leidt dit gedrag tot een verstoring van de virtualisatiemarkt. Ze roepen de commissievoorzitter op om in te grijpen om Europese bedrijven te beschermen tegen dergelijke praktijken.
Good read: Google stopt met kosten voor verhuizing naar andere cloud

Google stopt per direct met het rekenen van kosten aan klanten die hun data willen overzetten van Google Cloud naar een andere provider of on-premise datacenter. Organisaties die gebruikmaken van Googles cloudopslag en/of datamanagementdiensten, kunnen kosteloos migreren. Ze moeten Google wel eerst om toestemming vragen en vervolgens binnen zestig dagen migreren.
Good read: 5 Drivers Behind the Growth of the GPU Cloud Computing Market

Infographic on the Rise of the North American GPU cloud market.
Good read: How Infrastructure as Code Is Evolving Platform Engineering

Platform engineering is evolving the principles of DevOps, a methodology that breaks down the silos of IT operations and software development so organizations can deliver applications more quickly. In fact, 68 percent of organizations that have used platform engineering report that it improved their development velocity, according to a January report from configuration software maker Puppet.
Good read: Cloud in 33 vragen

Over de cloud bestaan nog altijd veel vragen. Wij zetten de belangrijkste op een rij – 33 wel te verstaan:
Good read: Nederlandse datacenterindustrie nauwelijks voorbereid op snelle opmars AI

“De datacenterindustrie in Nederland is nauwelijks voorbereid op de snelle opmars van artificial intelligence (AI) binnen de IT-wereld.” Robbert Hoeffnagel, hoofdredacteur van diverse IT-vakbladen en dagvoorzitter tijdens het IT Infra event, windt er geen doekjes om.
Good read: How SaaS architecture impacts pricing and profitability

A poorly designed SaaS architecture creates limitations in setting the pricing strategy for the offerings and impacts new customer acquisition. Conversely, a good architecture sets the appropriate pricing model and accommodates special architecture-design requirements, while enabling scalability and customizability.
Good read: A comeback for private clouds

Enterprises facing high cloud costs are taking a more balanced look at where workloads should reside and considering repatriation to a cloud in their own data center or fully managed on Edge locations.